Here's a couple new pictures from the ultrasound I had yesterday. We definitely confirmed that she's a girl (I left out that photo)!
It was great to find out that she looks healthy and is in the 60th percentile in weight. Which is nothing to worry about. No sign of any effects of the gestational diabetes. The doctor that came in to look at the ultrasound results flat out told me my fasting numbers are not gestational diabetic- that they are normal and that I must be on the really low end of the spectrum.
She looked really cute in the brief glimpses we saw of her. Cute chubby little face.
It's nice to have good news and to see our little one. I might possibly get another ultrasound in 4 weeks if she is still measuring big- we'll see.
We didn't even think we were getting another until a couple of weeks ago so this was just an extra little bonus.
One of the images freaks me out a little bit because it looks like her eyes are open. Ultrasound images are pretty strange looking!
She looked much better on the monitor.
Those little feet keep creeping closer and closer to my ribs. Things are getting a little cramped!
She looks delicious. Just like you!
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